Join the Size of Wales for the online launch of the Global Responsibility and Deforestation Free Business (DFB) Toolkit, which takes place on Tuesday 5 July, between 2-3pm.
The DFB Toolkit has been designed by Size of Wales to help businesses ensure that the products and commodities they buy or produce are not causing tropical deforestation and social impacts, such as the abuse of Indigenous Peoples’ rights overseas.
It focuses on the main forest-risk commodities we buy, use and consume in Wales every day, including imported beef, soy for livestock feed, palm oil, coffee, cacao, timber, paper and pulp. Shockingly, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from just four of these Welsh imports total 1.5 million tonnes of C02e each year. This is equivalent to 22% of the GHG emissions from transport in Wales.
The event will bring together representatives from the business community, Welsh Government and the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales to demonstrate and discuss the importance of tropical forests in tackling the climate and nature crises, the benefits to businesses of becoming deforestation-free and how we can all contribute to a globally responsible Wales.
Given the upcoming legislation being proposed at UK and EU level, which will require businesses to carry out due diligence checks on their supply chains to ensure they are not contributing to deforestation, it is essential that Welsh businesses engage on this issue.

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Join the Size of Wales for the online launch of the Global Responsibility and Deforestation Free Business (DFB) Toolkit, which takes place on Tuesday 5 July, between 2-3pm.
The DFB Toolkit has been designed by Size of Wales to help businesses ensure that the products and commodities they buy or produce are not causing tropical deforestation and social impacts, such as the abuse of Indigenous Peoples’ rights overseas.
It focuses on the main forest-risk commodities we buy, use and consume in Wales every day, including imported beef, soy for livestock feed, palm oil, coffee, cacao, timber, paper and pulp. Shockingly, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from just four of these Welsh imports total 1.5 million tonnes of C02e each year. This is equivalent to 22% of the GHG emissions from transport in Wales.
The event will bring together representatives from the business community, Welsh Government and the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales to demonstrate and discuss the importance of tropical forests in tackling the climate and nature crises, the benefits to businesses of becoming deforestation-free and how we can all contribute to a globally responsible Wales.
Given the upcoming legislation being proposed at UK and EU level, which will require businesses to carry out due diligence checks on their supply chains to ensure they are not contributing to deforestation, it is essential that Welsh businesses engage on this issue.